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Dempo Snow Beauty Cream

Dempo Snow Beauty Cream is suitable for all ages. It’s enriched with Extract Bengkuang which contained Pachyrhizon, Rotenon, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin C. Their benefits can moisturize dry and remove the dark spots and get rid of acne on the face of the user. Dempo Snow Cream cleans, moisturizes and make skin more smooth. In addition, Dempo Snow can be used as a protective skin from UV rays that cause the skin to darken. With Extract Bengkuang capable of causing skin look brighter and cleaner.


Product Code

Product Description
DCBCC advantages: -
- Stimulates antibacterial and antimicrobial activity
- Controls excess oil
- Clears up pores
- Promotes healing and cellular regenerative activity
- Eliminates discomfort from itching and irritation
- Eliminates inflammation
- Anti-aging
- Whitening skin
- Remove dead skin cells

How to use: -
Apply to skin before taking bath, rub it to your skin gently and wait for at least 5-15 minutes, wash and wipe with dry towel. Clear, healthy skin will soon appear.